New prize item for this year's Woof-a-thon! Each year we try to change things up with new prize items for different levels of donations brought to the event. Introducing a the first of our new prizes. At just the $25 donation level, our new recycled rubber dog dining mat! We LOVE this item. They are being printed and will be on their way to us soon. So start collecting those donations from your friends and family and bring them to the event on Aug 16th. There's more prizes for donating at higher levels too!
A story of love and care from Harbor Rescue - one of the beneficiaries of our 2013 Woof-a-thon6/21/2014 Dancer came to Harbor Rescue a year after her human mom passed away and her human dad developed Alzheimer's. She had hypothyroidism, skin yeast infection, staph infection, a cherry eye, and horrid teeth. Dancer lost 18 lbs after being placed on a good grain free diet, had cherry eye surgery and dental work done at a great vet in Oregon who only charged the volunteer $100, and was placed on thyroid medication, yeast medication, and antibiotics. Dancer suddenly started screaming in pain one morning and was rushed to the vet, who had to sedate her for x-rays. Dancer's spine was not correctly aligned and she was found to have a bone spur on the left side of her spine. So far, donations covered warm water therapy (at least $400 for the pool and certified therapist), 2 of 5 x-rays, and most of the veterinary bill. Barring an expensive surgery, we will try to continue with laser therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic to keep her stable and out of pain. For the past 3 weeks, Dancer has been on "rest" (no exercise), steroids and pain medications to help her. We will continue to do what we do best, saving people, one dog at a time and one day at a time.
We are busy fund raising, for our big event on August 16, and a reminder that all proceeds go to animal related nonprofit charities within Grays Harbor. There are lots of worthy animals out there that really need a helping hand to find the loving homes they all deserve. If you have a rescue dog or cat, or horse, or rabbit , or "whatever" you can appreciate how it affects them, and how very very grateful they are to be rescued. They go from being shy, afraid, fearful of men or women, etc, and on to being awe struck by a whole new world unfolding just for them! My Pearl, who is the Logo dog, lived in a crate for 8 long and miserable years having puppies at a puppy mill! When you see, and you will if you come, how happy and bright eyed and bushy tailed she is now, you can understand the joy and relief she feels to live her "second life" as a loved and cherished part of my family. And there are so many tales like hers. We will have a charity talking about some of the stories that turned out good. Not all of them do - that's why we raise money, to help raise the number of the good ones. Please consider throwing a few bucks into the pot - either by mail to OS Woof-a-thon at PO box 1664, Ocean Shores, WA 98569, use our Pay Pal on our web site, which is found at, or bring in your participant sheets the day of the event. . Your donation is tax-deductable, and we are so grateful for any and all donations.
Upcoming is a new event; the 4th of July in the Convention Center parking lot with booths, and games for kids. You better believe we have a cool game planned and will be there showing our Woof-a-Thon blue colors and having fun. This holiday fills Ocean Shores with people, so stop by, and look us up.
We are walking in the Flag Day parade on Saturday, June 14, with our new banner in the front, a patriotic car in case anyone gives out, and dogs and their people behind handing out info on our upcoming event Aug 16 at North Bay Park. Everyone is invited to join in. We meet at the Lutheran Church/Lions Club at about 10 AM to go to our assigned place, and at 11:00 we GO! It's a very fun parade to either walk or watch. You all come!
Woof-a-Thon is moving fast!! Our garage sale took in $750 and we thank Pat VanDensen for hosting it, volunteers who worked it, and everyone who donated to it. A big success for our 2 day sale. All leftovers were donated to the Anchor Thrift store here, whose profit benefits the OS Food Bank so it's a win-win for all.
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