As attendees can attest, our raffle at the Woof-a-thon event is amazing. We take donations of interesting, unique and valuable items during the year and gather them into raffle bundles and baskets you can then drop tickets into to win. Raffle tickets are purchased at our event to help us raise funds. Participants buy $5, $10 or more in raffle tickets, then they can drop any number of those tickets on any of the raffle items for chances to win. Later in the day we draw the raffle for each item and the lucky winners take them home to enjoy. This year we'll be focusing even more on baskets and groupings of themed items, such as entertainment packages, wine and cheese baskets, dog themed products and much much more. Collectables, practical items, and we're putting together more all the time. You won't want to miss it! Come out to the Woof-a-thon on August 15th at North Bay Park to join in the fun.